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Arkansans may amend their constitution by way of ballot initiatives.  This may be done via petition signatures and ballot language approval.  Chris has successfully lead ballot initiatives and challenged initiatives on behalf of clients.  Ballot initiatives require strict adherence to rules and timelines.  These efforts must have experienced litigators with political savviness. 


Political candidates and committees require strict compliance to ethics laws and election guidelines.  These rules can be tough to follow for out of state committees and new campaigns.  Campaigns must get off to a good start and avoid tripping over their own feet for failure to follow election rules.  Campaigns are tough and shouldn't aid in their own demise.  That is why candidates and committees need an experienced law firm and legal counsel.  Chris has been a candidate for public office and former legal counsel for the state Republican party.  Chris has advised state, federal and presidential campaigns.  




If state and federal election laws aren't tough enough...wait until a candidate or committee reads the rules and guidelines pertaining to raising and reporting campaign funds.  To the novice campaign it truly is like reading Greek.  Save time and effort by hiring an experienced election lawyer.  Additionally,  it will save the embarrassment of failing to file a report timely or making a mistake that will cost your campaign political goodwill.  


Many would say that Chris is at his best in front of a legislative committee or administrative board or commission.  Chris has earned political goodwill in Arkansas that has come from over 20 years of experience in politics.  All politics is local.  Whether it be representing a developer before a city planning commission, or a physician before the medical board, or a corporate client before a legislative committee...Chris has done it.  Chris has years of experience drafting legislation and reviewing bills filed during the legislative session.  In the past, Chris has been a registered lobbyist representing fortune 500 companies and various state associations.  Chris is confident in a city hall or the halls of Congress in Washington D.C.


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